hard-luck story
.hard-'luck .story
pluralhard-luck stories
a story you tell someone about bad things that have happened to you, in order to get their sympathy or help
1. Everyone was amused by the story about the dog. 大家听了关於那只狗的故事都笑起来了.
2. Even these hard parts may crumble to dust. 甚至这些坚硬的部分也会破碎成粉末。
3. Every time a worker gave up his job, he told the same story. 每次雇工辞职后都叙述着同样的故事。
4. Easton gave his name and address and began repeating the story about the clock. 伊斯顿说出了名字和住址。又讲了一遍有关钟的事。
5. End of story: The move is finally over. Everything's in boxes. My office is completely without organization. I feel at home. 故事结尾:家终于搬完了。东西都装在箱子里。我的办公室全然杂乱无序。可我还是觉得松了一口气。
6. But scientists are working hard to turn them into realities. 但是, 科学家们正在努力工作, 以便把想法变成现实.
7. But Hunter worked so hard that he overstrained his heart. 但是,亨特工作十分刻苦以致心脏过于劳累。
8. But she had had a hard life and it had knocked the youth and good looks out of her. 但是她曾经过着很艰辛的生活,这种生活使她失去了青春和美貌。
9. By laying out a few cards, you create a story as appealing as a fairy tale, with your client as the hero. 摆出几张牌,你就可以创造一个像神话传说一样动人的故事,而故事的主角就是你的顾客。
10. Bad luck is no stranger to this warm and thoughtful 37-year-old man. 厄运已经不是一次捉弄这位37岁、热心而又体贴的人了。